Spinal Surgery

The spine surgeons at MetroHealth practice the most advanced spine surgical care in the region. The latest techniques and technology are incorporated into the most appropriate spine surgery for our patients. Most importantly, surgery is only offered when appropriate.

MetroHealth surgeons work with the entire spine team to ensure all other measures have been utilized before surgery is offered. When surgery is planned, the least invasive approach is usually utilized. This includes minimally invasive decompressions and fusions as well as complex spine instrumentation and deformity correction such as scoliosis.

Our surgeons are leaders in their field, providing education to surgeons world wide on the latest surgical techniques and conditions.


To schedule an appointment by phone, please call 216-778-3700. You can also request an appointment online.

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About Minimally Invasive Surgery

The benefits of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) include less blood loss, less pain, faster mobilization and shorter hospital stays. Essentially exactly the same surgery may be performed minimally invasive as compared to conventional techniques but through a much smaller skin incisions.

MIS uses the latest technology to perform procedures without causing significant damage to the surrounding soft tissues. Typically the surgery is done through a very small tubular retractor and either a microscope or endoscope. Often computer-assisted technology is combined to permit more accurate surgery.

GPS DeviceState-of-the-Art Technology

A GPS-like device is changing the way surgeons at MetroHealth approach spine surgery. 

The sophisticated machine provides a three-dimensional, perfect view of the spine so surgery is more precise, less invasive and safer overall.

After all, when a screw is placed in the spine, the last thing a doctor or patient wants is any guesswork. Spinal bones where screws are placed sit next to the spinal cord and nerve root. Screws must be placed through narrow channels (pedal bones) without touching the surrounding, delicate anatomy.

Traditional two-dimensional imaging (called fluoroscopy) gives surgeons an X-ray view. But new computer technology generates a 3-D, near-CT scan image of the spine in less than two minutes.

That image is sent into a navigation system in the operating room so surgeons can use any number of tools to perform surgery. By looking at a computer screen, MetroHealth surgeons can see anywhere in the spine.

The computer technology is like a GPS - it provides a 3-D view of the spine and allows MetroHealth surgeons to perform minimally-invasive surgery in more complex situations. Surgeons can make tiny, 5-mm incisions in the skin to place spinal screws using the navigation system.

For patients, minimally invasive surgery translates to less pain, quicker recovery and a faster return to daily activities.

While the technology is not widely available, MetroHealth has acquired this imaging machine and spine surgeons are putting it into practice, allowing spinal surgeries to be performed in a much safer way.


Our Doctors/Medical Providers

Jonathan E. Belding, MD

Jonathan E. Belding, MD


382 ratings / 95 reviews
Michael L. Kelly, MD

Michael L. Kelly, MD

Department Chair of Neurosurgery


79 ratings / 14 reviews
Timothy A. Moore, MD

Timothy A. Moore, MD


159 ratings / 49 reviews