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- TeamSTEPPS Regional Training Center
TeamSTEPPS is an evidence-based teamwork system aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among health care professionals.
The MetroHealth System is proud to be a TeamSTEPPS Regional Training Center. We offer training to create a national network of master trainers, who will in turn offer TeamSTEPPS training to frontline providers in hospitals and other health care settings throughout the country.
TeamSTEPPS provides higher quality, safer patient care by:
MetroHealth has implemented TeamSTEPPS in our Emergency Department, Trauma Center, Surgical Intensive Care Units, Burn Care Center, operating rooms, Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Labor and Delivery Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Postpartum Unit and one of our health centers.
There is no rating available for this provider for one of two reasons: he or she does not see patients, or has not received the minimum number of patient survey responses.