Day of Surgery

Be On Time

If you are running late or need to cancel, call (216) 778-7800 and ask to speak to the surgeon/resident on-call for your surgical service.

What to Expect

Once you arrive, check in with the receptionist. The surgical staff will ask you about your current health, and any known allergies and medications that you are taking. Your vital signs such as tem­perature, pulse and blood pressure will be taken.

Just prior to your surgery, you will be asked to change into a hospital gown and place your belongings in a small locker.

An intravenous (IV) line will be started to provide you with fluids and may be used to provide anesthesia or other medication as needed. The anesthesiologist will talk to you about the different kinds of anesthesia and their risks and benefits. They may recommend:

  • General Anesthesia -This allows you to sleep during your surgery and wake up a short time after surgery is completed.
  • Regional Anesthesia -This is administered by an injection and numbs a specific area of the body. You usually remain awake, but may receive medication to make you drowsy.
  • Conscious Sedation -The surgeon numbs the specific area where surgery will be performed with local anesthesia. The anesthesia staff will monitor your condition during surgery, and, if appropriate, give you medication through an IV line to make you drowsy.
  • Local Anesthesia -This anesthesia is administered by the surgeon and numbs only a part of the body. It is usually used for simple procedures and lasts about an hour.

Family and Friends

One or two family members or friends may stay with you until you go into surgery. Once your surgery begins, family and friends may wait in the nearby surgical waiting area. Visitors should check in and out with the receptionist so that messages about your status can be relayed to them. Please leave young children at home.

In the Operating Room

The room may feel cool. Warmed blankets will be provided for your comfort. The surgical team will wear gowns, masks and gloves, as well as hair and shoe covers. Your vital signs will be monitored throughout surgery.

After Surgery

After surgery, your surgeon will talk to your family. Specially trained nurses will monitor your progress while recovering from the immediate effects of your surgery and the anesthesia.

In the Recovery Room

Depending on your type of surgery, you may notice an oxygen mask, an IV, a urinary catheter, moni­tors or other devices, and a dressing or bandage over the surgical site.

You may have some side effects from surgery and anesthesia, such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, gas, headache, sore throat, dry mouth and thirst. It's also common to experience some soreness or discomfort.