Lead Testing

What You Need to Know About Lead Poisoning

  • Lead most often comes from paint, water pipes, gasoline and pottery.
  • Lead doesn’t decompose; it must be removed or covered up to be safe.
  • Homes built before 1950 are likely to have lead paint; after 1978, lead was removed from paint sold for homes.

Some children are exposed to lead paint by sucking their thumbs or fingers and accidentally eating lead paint chips. Lead paint dust can be picked up on shoes and tracked into the house.

Download Lead-Safe Guide


Lead Testing Available for All Patients Ages 1-3

It’s Important to Have Your Child Tested for Lead

Locations: Main Campus Medical Center, Buckeye Health Center and Ohio City Health Center.

Appointments: 216-778-2222

Cuyahoga County has some of the highest lead poisoning rates in the nation. Lead poisoning can cause serious health problems that may lead to learning difficulties, hearing loss, and growth and behavior problems.

Young children are at risk for lead poisoning because they tend to pick up objects that may be covered with lead paint and put them in their mouths.

MetroHealth’s pediatricians want all patients ages 1-3 to have their lead levels checked with a simple blood test. Most children who have lead poisoning never have symptoms, and a blood test is the only way to tell.

You should have this test taken before your child’s check up with their MetroHealth pediatrician.


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Cleveland , Ohio 44120

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Cleveland , Ohio 44109

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Cleveland , OH 44102

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