Hand Therapy

To schedule an appointment by phone, please call 216-778-4414.

If you've been referred for rehab after an upper extremity injury or surgery, your next step is an evaluation with a MetroHealth occupational therapist.

Hand and arm injuries can limit your range of motion and affect daily life. Occupational therapy provides patients with the skills to restore or improve physical function so they can return to doing meaningful activities independently.

Our occupational therapists work side-by-side with surgeons to help patients advance in their therapy program and address issues specific to the patient's condition or injury. The collaboration between therapists and surgeons gives patients the best chance at recovery.

MetroHealth occupational therapists can help patients with:

  • Eating independently
  • Bathing and dressing independently
  • Work conditioning
  • Meal prep and home management tasks
  • Workstation ergonomics
  • Driving
  • Returning to playing a musical instrument, sports, or other hobbies

Preparing for Your First Rehab Appointment

Patients can expect the following when they come to their first post-op rehab appointment:

  • Full review of medical history and diagnosis
  • Evaluation and exam, which may include the following:
    • Range of motion in affected arm/hand
    • Strength
    • Pain or swelling
    • Coordination
  • Development of treatment plan