Neurological Surgery Faculty Highlighted Publications

The Department of Neurological Surgery has increased the volume of its publications, presentations and visibility nationally and internationally thanks to research prominence in:

  • Spine and Spinal Cord Injury
  • Medical Publishing
  • Simulation (virtual reality)
  • Outcomes Research
  • Neuro-Critical Care Research

Neurological Surgery Faculty Highlighted Publications

Anise Ardelt, MD, PhD, MBA  |  View Publications on PubMed


V. J. Del Brutto, A. Ardelt, A. Loggini, Z. Bulwa, F. El-Ammar, R. C. Martinez, J. Brorson, F. Goldenberg, Clinical Characteristicsand emergent therapeutic interventions in patients evaluated through the in-hospital stroke alert protocol. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis (2019) Mar 4. pii: S1052-3057(19)30045-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.02.001. 

J. Stone, V. Mor-Avi, A. Ardelt, R. M. Lang, Frequency of inverted electrocardiographic T waves (cerebral T waves) in patients with acute strokes and their relation to left ventricular wall motion abnormalities. Am J Cardiol (2018) Jan 1;121(1):120-124. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2017.09.025. Epub 2017 Nov 14.

R. Dhar, V. Rajajee, A. Finley Caulfield, M. Maas, M. James, A. Bhargava Kumar, S. A. Figueroa, D. McDonagh, A. Ardelt, The state of neurocritical care fellowship training and attitudes toward accreditation and certification: a survey of neurocritical care fellowship program directors. Front Neurol (2017) Nov 3; 8:548. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00548. eCollection 2017.

Book Chapters

A. A. Ardelt, Business associations, Laws and Ethics in Neurocritical Care, Szalajdos JE, Wright W, and Smith W, editors, Neurocritical Care Society Press, 2019.

A. A. Ardelt, Care delivery models, Laws and Ethics in Neurocritical Care, Szalajdos JE, Wright W, and Smith W, editors, Neurocritical Care Society Press, 2019. 

A. A. Ardelt, Medical services rationing, Laws and Ethics in Neurocritical Care, Szalajdos JE, Wright W, and Smith W, editors, Neurocritical Care Society Press, 2019. 

A. A. Ardelt, Hospital corporate structure, Laws and Ethics in Neurocritical Care, Szalajdos JE, Wright W, and Smith W, editors, Neurocritical Care Society Press, 2019. 

A. A. Ardelt, Access to neurocritical care, Laws and Ethics in Neurocritical Care, Szalajdos JE, Wright W, and Smith W, editors, Neurocritical Care Society Press, 2019.

A. A. Ardelt, Confusion in the ICU: Anticoagulated VAD patient with MS changes, Difficult Decisions in Cardiothoracic Critical Care Surgery, Lonchyna V, editor, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, NY, 2018. 

A. A. Ardelt and I. Awad, Acute management of subarachnoid hemorrhage, Neurosurgical Emergencies, Loftus C, editor, Thieme Publishers, New York, NY, 2017. 


Jonathan E. Belding, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed


Robert T. Geertman, MD, Ph.D  |  View Publications on PubMed


Jonah Grossman, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed


Michael L. Kelly, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed


Kashkoush A, Whiting B, Desai A, Petitt J, El-Abtah ME, Mcmillan A, Finocchioro A, Hu S, Kelly ML. Clinical Outcomes Following Non-operative Management of Large Acute Subdural Hematomas: A Propensity-Scored Retrospective Analysis. Neurosurgery. 2022. (Accepted, in press).

Kashkoush A, Petitt J, Potts T, Hu S, Hunter S, Kelly ML. Novel application of the Rotterdam CT score in the Prediction of Intracranial Hypertension Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2022. (Accepted, in press).

Pettit J, Kashkoush A, Stanley S, Kelly ML. Failure of Conservatively Managed Traumatic Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Systematic Review. World Neurosurgery. 2022. Jun 17;165:81-88.

DeMario B, Stanley S, Truong E, Brown L, Ho V, Kelly ML. Predictors for Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Retrospective Trauma Quality Improvement Program Database Study. Neurosurgery. 2022. Aug 1;91(2):e45-e50.

Stanley S, Truong E, DeMario B, Ho V, Kelly ML. Variations in Discharge Destination Following Severe TBI across the United States. Journal of Surgical Research. 2022. Mar;271:98-105.

Kashkoush A, Petitt J, Ho V, Ladhani H, Kelly ML. Predictors of Mortality, Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures, and Discharge Disposition in Octogenarians with Subdural Hematomas. World Neurosurgery. 2022. Jan;157:e179-e187.

Shammassian BH, Ronald A, Smith A, Sajatovic M, Mangat H, Kelly ML. Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assays and Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Literature Review. World Neurosurgery. 2021. Nov 25;S1878-8750(21)01691-0.

Truong E, Stanley SP, DeMario BS, Tseng ES, Como JJ, Ho VP, Kelly ML. Variation in Neurosurgical Intervention for Severe TBI: The Challenge of Measuring Quality in Trauma Center Verification. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2021. Jul 1; 91(1):114-120.

Shammassian B, Wooster L, Wright JM, Kelly ML. Systematic review of trauma system regionalization on outcomes in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurological Research. 2021. Feb;43(2):87-96.

Volovetz J, Roach MJ, Kelly ML. Admission Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is associated with improved AIS Motor Score after Spinal Cord Injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2020. 26(4): 261-267.

Chen Y, Wen H, Griffin R, Roach MJ, Kelly ML. Linking individual data from the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems center and local trauma registry: Development and validation of probabilistic matching algorithm. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2020. 26(4): 221-231.

Habboub G, Grabowski M, Kelly ML, Benzel EC. The Embedded Biases in Hypothesis Testing and Machine Learning. Neurosurgical Focus. 2020. May 1;48(5): E8.

Soni P, Rosenbaum BP, Kelly ML. Regional and institutional practice variations in decompressive spine surgery for patients with penetrating spinal injury in the United States. World Neurosurgery. 2020. May; 137:e263-e268.

Hendriks S, Grady C, Ramos KM, Chiong W, Fins JJ, Ford P, Goering S, Greely HT, Hutchison K, Kelly ML, Kim SH, Klein E, Lisanby SH, Mayberg H, Maslen H, Miller FG, Rommelfanger K, Sheth SA, Wexler A. Ethical challenges of risk, informed consent, and post-trial responsibilities in human research with neural devices: a review. JAMA Neurology. 2019.76(12):1506-1514.

Kelly ML, He J, Roach MJ, Moore TA, Steinmetz MP, Claridge JA.  Regionalization of Spine Trauma Care in an Urban Trauma System in the United States: Decreased Time to Surgery and Hospital Length of Stay. Neurosurgery. 2019. Dec 1;85(6):773-778.

Kelly ML, Roach MJ, Nemunaitis G, Yuying C. Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment of Penetrating Spinal Cord Injury: An Analysis of Long-term Neurological and Functional Outcomes. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2019. Spring;25(2):186-193.

Kelly ML, Shammassian B, Roach MJ, Thomas C, Wagner AK. Craniectomy and Craniotomy in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Propensity-Matched Analysis of Long-Term Functional and Quality of Life Outcomes. World Neurosurgery. 2018. Oct; 118:e974-e981.

Posillico SE, Golob JF, Rinker AD, Kreiner LA, West RS, Conrad-Schnetz KJ, Kelly ML, Claridge JA. Bedside Dysphagia Screens in Patients with Traumatic Cervical Injuries: An Ideal Tool for an Under-Recognized Problem. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2018. Oct;85(4):697-703.

Roach MJ, Yuying C, Kelly ML. Comparing Blunt and Penetrating Trauma in Spinal Cord Injury: Analysis of Long-Term Functional and Neurological Outcomes. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2018; 24(2):121-132.

McCunniff P, Ramey S, Scott M, Roach MJ, Vallier M, Moore T, Kelly ML. Operative versus non-operative management of civilian gunshot wounds to the spinal cord: novel use of the functional independence measure for validated outcomes. World Neurosurgery. 2017 Oct;106:240-246.

Rosenbaum BP, Kshettry VR, Kelly ML, Mroz TE, Weil RJ. Trends in Inpatient Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Volume in the United States, 2005-2011: Assessing the Impact of Randomized Controlled Trials. Clin Spine Surg. 2017 Apr;30(3): E276-E282.

Kelly ML, MJ Roach, A Banerjee, M Steinmetz, JA Claridge. Functional and Long-term Outcomes in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Following Regionalization of an Urban Trauma System. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2015 Sep;79(3):372-7

Vadera S, Griffith SD, Rosenbaum BP, Seicean A, Kshettry VR, Kelly ML, Weil RJ, Bingaman W, Jehi L. National Incidence of Medication Error in Surgical Patients Before and After ACGME Duty Hour Reform. Journal of Surgical Education. 2015 Jun 15;72(6):1209-16.

Vadera S, Griffith SD, Rosenbaum BP, Chan A, Thompson N, Kshettry VR, Kelly ML, Weil RJ, Bingaman W, Jehi L. National Trends and In-Hospital Complication Rates in Over 1600 Hemispherectomies from 1988 to 2010: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample Study. Neurosurgery. 2015 Aug;77(2):185-91.

Kelly ML, Banerjee A, Nowak M, Steinmetz M, Claridge J. Decreased Mortality in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Following Regionalization of an Urban Trauma System. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2015 April; 78(4):715-20.


Timothy A. Moore, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed 


Deven Reddy, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed


Reddy D, Gunnarsson T, Scheinemann K, Provias JP, Singh SK. Combined staged endoscopic and microsurgical approach of a third ventricular choroid plexus papilloma in an infant. Minim Invas Neurosurg. 2011; 54: 264-7

Reddy D, Rodriguez AR, Alsunbul W, Ling E, Kosick T, Reddy KKV. Endoscopic associated iatrogenic Terson’s syndrome. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013; 40(2): 255-6

Fallah A, Guyatt GH, Snead OC III, Ebrahim S, Ibrahim GM, Mansouri A, Reddy D, Walter SD, Kulkarni AV, Bhandari M, Banfield L, Bhatnagar N, Liang S, Teutonico F, Liao J, Rutka JT. Predictors of seizure outcomes in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and intractable epilepsy undergoing resective epilepsy surgery: An individual participant data meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(2): e53565. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053565

Farrokhyar F, Reddy D, Poolman RW, Bhandari M. Why perform a priori sample size calculation? Can J Surg. 2013; 56(3): 207-13

Jaja BNR, Saposnik G, Nisenbaum R, Schweizer T, Reddy D, Thorpe KE, Macdonald RL. Effect of socioeconomic status on inpatient mortality and use of postacute care after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke. 2013;44:00-00. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.001368

Reddy D, Fallah A, Petropoulos J, Macdonald RL, Jichici D. Prophylactic Magnesium sulfate for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurocrit Care 2014. doi 10.1007/s12028-014-9964-0

The Vascular events in noncardiac Surgery patients cOhort evaluatioN (VISION) Writing Group on behalf of the VISION Investigators. Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery. A Large, International, Prospective Cohort Study Establishing Diagnostic Criteria, Characteristics, Predictors, and 30-day Outcomes. Anesthesiology 2014;120:564-78

Turel MK, Tsermoulas G, Reddy D, Andrade-Barazarte H, Zadeh G, Gentili F. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal excision of tuberculum sellae meningiomas: a systematic review. J Neurosurg Sci 2016;60:463-75

Book Chapters

Reddy D, Hart RG. Chapter 1: Stroke Epidemiology, Etiology and Background. Behavioural Consequences of Stroke. Editors: Tom A. Schweizer, R. Loch Macdonald. Publisher: Springer, 2014.


Samuel K. Rosenberg, MD  |  View Publications on PubMed

Our Doctors/Medical Providers

Agnieszka A. Ardelt, MD, Ph.D

Agnieszka A. Ardelt, MD, Ph.D

Department Chair of Neurology


55 ratings / 18 reviews
Jonathan E. Belding, MD

Jonathan E. Belding, MD


379 ratings / 92 reviews
David Ben-Israel, MD

David Ben-Israel, MD


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April L. Dusky, APRN-CNP

April L. Dusky, APRN-CNP


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Scott C. Gedeon, APRN-CNP

Scott C. Gedeon, APRN-CNP


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Jonah B. Grossman, MD

Jonah B. Grossman, MD


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Michael L. Kelly, MD

Michael L. Kelly, MD

Department Chair of Neurosurgery


82 ratings / 16 reviews
Nicole M. Medve, APRN-CNP

Nicole M. Medve, APRN-CNP


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