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The Office of Opioid Safety collaborates and coordinates on several community-based initiatives.
Thrive ED embeds State Certified Peer Support Specialists into MetroHealth's Main Campus Emergency Department and inpatient and outpatient units 24/7 to offer peer support and immediate linkage to treatment and recovery services.
Thrive ED Peer Support Specialists work closely with the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Case Manager to facilitate linkage to internal and external resources.
The APRN Case Manager is also able to administer ASAM Level of Care Assessments as well as the initial induction of buprenorphine to help initiate patients into the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program.
Peer Support Specialists are people with a direct lived experience of a mental health and/or substance use disorder who are actively in recovery and have completed a formal certification through the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
This is a collaborative grant program funded by the Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County.
A collaborative grant program with the Cuyahoga County Corrections Center to identify and assess inmates with Opioid Use Disorder to connect them with Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in lieu of incarceration.
The ExAM Program is the sole MAT provider in the jail. The goal of this project is to increase engagement in evidence-based treatment and reduce the length of incarceration, recidivism and mortality.
If you are a police agency in Cuyahoga County and in need of naloxone, educational opportunities, Information and Resources Guides or are interested in starting a quick response team, please email Aimee Scheidemantel [email protected].
To learn more, contact us at (216) 778-8452 or [email protected]