About the SIM Center

Healthcare professionals must be able to exercise considerable judgment, problem-solving and decision making skills. They are required to attain and maintain competency in a variety of situations and procedures which are typically performed in every facet of clinical practice and often under stressful circumstances. 

The MetroHealth Simulation Center is an interdisciplinary training facility committed to the MetroHealth mission by providing innovative education and training to our staff, resulting in outstanding health care for our patients. 

Our two-day clinical SANE training has provided instruction from nurses all over the country, including California, Florida, New York, Michigan, West Virginia, as well as from the Department of Defense. 

“It was amazing to be able to actually perform pelvic exams and get feedback from the GTA and SANE nurse as to what we were doing correct and what we needed to improve on.”

“I was able to perform complete forensic exams using a live model! I learned so much and can’t wait to start my own SANE program in my home state.”

“The GTAs were so realistic that I actually forgot that it was a simulation. She cried and everything!”

“I was able to network with so many nurses from all over the country during the training. I loved how we all support each other in our effort to become a SANE and start our own programs.”