Peter J. Greco, MD

Peter J. Greco, MDTITLE

Director of Clinical Informatics, Infrastructure, The MetroHealth System
Associate Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University


Dr. Greco was present at the conception (11/22/1995) and birth (7/19/1999) of MetroHealth’s Epic Electronic Health Record, among the oldest installations in the world. He is nationally recognized as an expert in the configuration and customization of the Epic EHR for better documentation tools, decision support, and population health management. He is fluent in MUMPS and conversational in SQL. 


LN Baskaran, PJ Greco, DC Kaelber. Case Report Medical Eponyms. An Applied Clinical Informatics Opportunity. Appl Clin Inform. 2012; 3(3): 349-355. 12. 

V Jain, PJ Greco, DC Kaelber. Code Status Reconciliation to Improve Identification and Documentation of Code Status in Electronic Health Records. Appl Clin Inform. 2017 8 1: 226-234. 13. 

SM Saiyed, PJ Greco, G Fernandes, DC Kaelber. Optimizing drug-dose alerts using commercial software throughout an integrated health care system. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017 Nov 1;24(6):1149-1154. 14

L Hojat, A Avery, PJ Greco, DC Kaelber. Doubling Hepatitis C Virus Screening in Primary Care Using Advanced Electronic Health Record Tools – A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Published online 12/2/2019. 15

LS Hojat, PJ Greco, A Bhardwaj, DS Bar-Shain, N Abughali. Using Preventive Health Alerts in the Electronic Health Record Improves Hepatitis C Virus Testing Among Infants Perinatally Exposed to Hepatitis C. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. (in press April, 2020, manuscript PIDJ-220-207R1)


American Medical Association 


  • Clinical decision support
  • Health information exchange
  • Telehealth
  • Population health
  • Registries/”Big Data”
  • Informatics education of medical students, residents, and fellows


Center for Clinical Informatics Research and Education
2500 Metrohealth Dr.
Cleveland, OH  44109-1998
Phone: 216-778-8192
Email: [email protected]