Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

The MetroHealth System (MHS) appreciates that most patients want to understand and participate in their health care. Participation is fostered if patients are made aware of their rights and responsibilities; the following document summarizes these rights and responsibilities. When the patient is a minor, these rights also apply to the parent(s) or guardian.


ACCESS: The MetroHealth System treats all patients without regard to age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, veteran status, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other legally protected characteristic.

RESPECT AND DIGNITY: You have the right to respectful, considerate care, with recognition of your personal dignity.

PRIVACY: You have the right to personal privacy during your treatment and care. For a copy of the MHS Notice of Privacy Practices, please ask your caregiver or send a request to: The MetroHealth System Privacy and Information Security Officer, 2500 MetroHealth Dr., Cleveland, Ohio 44109.

SECURITY: You have the right to receive care in a safe setting free from abuse and/or harassment.

CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL RECORD: You have the right to confidentiality of your patient medical record. You have the right to access your designated record set contained in your medical record within a reasonable time of your request.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: You have the right to formulate Advance Directives and to have hospital staff who provide care in the hospital comply with them.

IDENTITY: You have the right to know the names and duties of all persons involved in delivering your health care.

INFORMATION: You have the right to complete information about your condition and treatment, in terms you understand. The MetroHealth System provides access to an interpreter and/or translation services free of charge.

DECISION MAKING: You have the right to make decisions related to your health care, to participate in ethical questions that arise during your course of care, including conflict resolution, withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, and participation in investigational studies. You have the right to request treatment and the right to refuse treatment. You have the right to designate someone to make your decisions should you not be able to make them yourself (see Advance Directives).

PAIN MANAGEMENT: You have the right to receive information about pain and pain relief measures from a committed staff of health care providers. Health care providers will respond to your reports of pain and provide pain management therapies as medically indicated.

NOTIFICATION: You have the right to have a family member or support person of your choice and your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.

RESTRAINTS: You have the right to be free from restraints of any form that are not medically necessary.

FREEDOM OF CHOICE: You have the right to select the providers of your post hospital care; this includes skilled nursing facilities, long-term acute-care hospitals, hospice, acute rehabilitation, durable medical equipment, home infusion companies and home health care agencies.



CONSIDERATION: You are responsible for being considerate and respectful of other patients, visitors and hospital staff by maintaining civil language and conduct in your interactions. You are responsible for following instructions, policies, rules and regulations that support quality care for patients and a safe setting.

KEEPING APPOINTMENTS: You are responsible for keeping appointments, or for calling the doctor or hospital in advance to make other arrangements.

PAIN MANAGEMENT: To help us control your pain, you must tell your doctor, nurse or caregiver about your pain.

GIVING INFORMATION: You are responsible for giving, to the best of your knowledge, complete and accurate information to your provider to help your care, treatment and services including information about your health and medical history, any unexpected changes or any perceived risks in your care. It is your responsibility to tell your health care provider or a member of your health care team if you do not understand the treatments you are receiving or if you are unclear about plans for your on-going care.

FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: You are responsible for following instructions as given. You are responsible for asking questions or telling us if you do not understand the instructions, or if you feel you cannot follow them. If you do not follow instructions, you will be responsible for what happens to you.

HEALTH CARE CHARGES: You are responsible for making certain your health care bills are paid as soon as possible and for providing accurate information regarding your place of residence and medical coverage.



The MetroHealth System is committed to providing quality care to our patients and ensuring that their rights are supported. As part of this commitment, we encourage you to share your opinions with us regarding our care and services.

If you have a complaint or concern, we are committed to resolving your concerns quickly and at the first level of contact, whenever possible. We encourage you to share your questions/concerns with a member of your health care team, physician, unit manager, or you may call the Patient Relations Department directly who will assist you with your concern.

MetroHealth Patient Relations Department: 216-778-5800

Although we believe that your concerns can be resolved through this process, you may at any time contact: