Eric Schearer, PhD

Eric Schearer, PhD

The MetroHealth System

  • Staff Scientist, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Cleveland State University

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Director, Center for Human Machine Systems

Cleveland FES Center

  • Investigator


Broad Research Programs

  • Paralysis after Spinal Cord Injury



Dr. Schearer is a member of the Bioscientific Staff in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the MetroHealth Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Cleveland State University. His research aims to develop easily usable and widely available neuroprostheses to restore reaching and grasping movements to people with high tetraplegia. To achieve this goal Dr. Schearer is developing:

1) strategies for selecting muscle stimulation patterns to restore reaching movements that can be programmed by non-expert caregivers,

2) simple and non-invasive command interfaces that allow people with high tetraplegia to communicate their intent to move their arms, and

3) neuroprostheses that combine functional electrical stimulation and soft wearable exosuits to move paralyzed arms.  




Professional Society Memberships

     2007-present IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
     2012-present IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
     2018-present IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
     2019-present American Society for Engineering Education


Specific Research Topics


Contact Information

Mechanical Engineering Department, Cleveland State University
1960 East 24th Street, FH232
Cleveland OH, 44115
Phone: 216-687-6901
Email: [email protected]