Board and Governance

The MetroHealth System Board of Trustees is composed of voluntary members appointed by Cuyahoga County Council.

Per Section 339 of the Ohio Revised Code, the trustees are appointed or re-appointed for a term of six years.


Download 2025 Board Meeting Schedule


Helpful Information

Note: A public comment period is available at the beginning of each Board of Trustees Regular Meeting. Members of the public may address the Board of Trustees on matters within the Board’s authority. 

Members of the public that desire to address the Board, must submit a request to the Board Chair prior to the beginning of the meeting. Each public comment will be limited to three (3) minutes. 


Board Committees

Audit and Compliance Committee

The Audit and Compliance Committee is responsible for the oversight of the quality and integrity of the System’s financial statements, the independent audit and review of those financial statements, and the System’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.  

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets as needed and is responsible for the search, hiring, and evaluation of the President and CEO and take action, subject to Board ratification, on behalf of the Board in an emergency situation when the Board cannot be convened.

Facilities and Planning Committee

The Facilities and Planning Committee is responsible for reviewing new construction and programs designed to maintain or improve the System’s capital facilities.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing the annual operating and capital budgets and routine financial statements, certain expenditures of operating funds, and other matters materially affecting the System’s finances.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for overseeing and supporting the Board’s governance effectiveness, including organizing board retreats and board training; conducting assessments of the full Board and Trustees; developing Board policies; and overseeing and recommending appropriate policies in the legal and contractual affairs of the System.

Health Equity & Diversity Committee

The Health Equity & Diversity Committee will assist the board in promoting and ensuring health equity and diversity within The MetroHealth System and the communities served. The committee will work collaboratively with administration, staff, and community stakeholders to identify and oversee the System’s activities addressing health disparities, developing strategies to improve health outcomes, and advocating for equitable healthcare access and delivery across the continuum of care. 

Human Resources and Compensation Committee

Responsible for overseeing matters pertaining to the employment, review and compensation of the President and CEO and reviewing total compensation for executives and other highly compensated employees, with the goal of ensuring compliance, recognizing the competitive nature of the organization, and appropriately reflecting the organization’s public status and mission.

Quality, Safety and Experience Committee

The Quality, Safety and Experience Committee is responsible for assessing and promoting the System’s plans in the areas of clinical quality assurance and patient service improvement, including activities developed to improve the quality of services and enhancing patient experience and engagement.